Wednesday, December 30, 2009

C'mon... I know you wanna.... laaa-aaazy like me.

Can you have a lazy day with goals?

Goal number one: spend day in my new Christmas pj's.... minus the obligatory dog walk where I will wear warm comfies then promptly slide back into my flannels for the day

Goal number two: take a bath & read a magazine

Goal number three: surf the web (hello Maggie!)

Goal number four: turn the Roomba on so it looks like I've done something while J is away working

Goal number 5: IM J to gloat about my lazy day

Goal number 6: Make a pizza for J to make up for my gloating

Goal number 7: quit making goals so I can go laze my day away


  1. Nice, enjoy lazy day. I will take one too. :-)

  2. The only thing I would change would be number 6 - I would call for delivery. Sounds like a perfect day to me.
