Monday, September 7, 2009


I missed my own foto friday because j and i went to spend the weekend with my mom and one of my sisters and her 3 little ones. My mom lives at a lake (hard life, right?) in a (very) little place she calls Jubilee Cottage... This was the first time all summer we had a chance to get out there. This year my mom didn't have the dock put out, she needs to have a new one built. Even though the season is about over, J spent her Saturday of the long weekend voluntarily building a 'sitting area' for my mom down by the water. J is a woodworker (I admit, it's a turn on) and a hard worker to boot. It was a serious 'awwww....!' moment for me when I came back to the cottage from being in town with my sister to see what J had done (all while looking after the dogs and 3 little ones). So, here's to you J... kisses!
Now, I didn't take any pictures of the dock-sitting area, but I can post some pictures from last summer and last winter from my mom's place for my foto-friday-on-a-monday.
Happy long weekend!


  1.! I am such a fan of your blog and really enjoy the photos you post, too! keep up the good work, Girl!!
